Le 05.09.2006, à 19:30:43, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz a écrit:
> Package: plucker
> Version: 1.8-16+b1
> Severity: normal
> Upon update to this version the byte-compiled files in 
>  /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PyPlucker/
> were left behind.

I note that on one of my systems I still have plucker 1.8-16 and no
byte-compiled files are present in

$ ls /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PyPlucker/
AliasList.py         ImageParser.py      PluckerDocs.py   Url.py
ConfigFiles.py       __init__.py         PluckerLinks.py  UtilFns.py
ConversionParser.py  JIUImageParser.py   Profiling.py     Writer.py
Decode.py            PalmImagePlugin.py  Retriever.py
ExclusionList.py     Parser.py           Spider.py
helper               pluck-comics.py     TextParser.py

Maybe you started plucker as root and Python stored the byte-compiled
files there?

I just tried to run plucker-build as root and I now have:
  $ ls /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PyPlucker/
  AliasList.py          helper              pluck-comics.py  TextParser.pyc
  AliasList.pyc         ImageParser.py      PluckerDocs.py   Url.py
  ConfigFiles.py        ImageParser.pyc     PluckerDocs.pyc  Url.pyc
  ConfigFiles.pyc       __init__.py         PluckerLinks.py  UtilFns.py
  ConversionParser.py   __init__.pyc        Profiling.py     UtilFns.pyc
  ConversionParser.pyc  JIUImageParser.py   Retriever.py     Writer.py
  Decode.py             PalmImagePlugin.py  Retriever.pyc    Writer.pyc
  ExclusionList.py      Parser.py           Spider.py
  ExclusionList.pyc     Parser.pyc          TextParser.py

What do you think would be the best way to solve this bug?

I could remove /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PyPlucker in the
installation script of plucker but that would make plucker hard to
backport to Python 2.3.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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