> 0000:02:0e.0 0104: 1028:0013 (rev 06)

FWIW, discover1-data has recognised this as a megaraid2 device since
version 1.2004.11.09.

Loïc Minier wrote:
> My bugs are:
> 1/ megaraid2 missing from initrd (important)
>  Bug #282109 is about the same hardware, and I bet the submitter hit the
>  exact same problem, as would probably other megaraid2 users do.

Many people have reported problems with initrd-tools and megaraid2. Most
of those bugs have already been reassigned to the initrd-tools package
(#278887, #284230, #282793, #287019). Sadly, it looks like nobody over
there is working on them, and my initrd-tools expertise is limited to
fixing bugs that I can reproduce.

I wish someone who can reproduce it could invesitgate what exactly the
problem is with initrd-tools's megaraid2 support and come up with a
proper patch instead of the hack of modifying /etc/mkinitrd/modules.
This should be a 30 minute job for someone who can write shell code and
has a megaraid device. 

IIRC the best info about what is going on is in bug #278887.

> 2/ megaraid2 inserted by network hardware detection phase (minor)

d-i does not segment hardware detection. All available hardware drivers
are loaded in each pass. This is by design. This is why the title of the
hardware detect screen is "detecting network devices and other

> 3/ better description for the choice of a kernel (it's surprizing that d-i RC2
> runs 2.4.27-1 and offers only -2 to install), ie. what's "speakup" (wishlist)

I don't know what image you're using, but it's not d-i rc2, since the -2
kernel did not exist then. You don't say what CD type you're using; I
supect you're probably using last weekend's rather broken full CD build.

see shy jo

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