Package: lintian
Version: 1.23.24
Severity: minor


Our package uses a translated DefaultChoice field in the debconf
templates, exactly as described in DevRef

Lintian triggers a warning on this: select-with-translated-default-field.
Since the warning doesn't apply, I'm overriding it. However, the warning
is triggered for every occurrence in every po file. That means I'm now
putting two overrides per language in our lintian-overrides file:

select-with-translated-default-field mailman/site_languages hu.utf-8
select-with-translated-default-field mailman/default_server_language hu.utf-8
select-with-translated-default-field mailman/site_languages ja.utf-8
select-with-translated-default-field mailman/default_server_language ja.utf-8

I think you'll get my point: we've got 13 languages already, equals 26
overrides, and I expect this to only grow. Adding two overrides for
every language that we add is not ideal.

So my question here is: is there a better way to solve this? Some ideas,
in my order of preference, I don't know what's best or possible from
your point of view though:

1) Remove the test altogether. If I do not mark DefaultChoice as
   translatable, then it will not appear in the .po file template, so
   what's the chance of someone translating it nonetheless? And if they
   do, it will be ignored so no harm done. I'm wondering what the test
   tries to accomplish.

2) If the test is actually needed, make sure it does not trigger if
   DefaultChoice was marked as translatable. If it's marked as such, the
   package maintainer intends for it to be translated.

3) Trigger the warning only once for a package.

4) Make the warning overridable categorically, i.e. I add
   "select-with-translated-default-field mailman/site_languages" and all
   those warnings will be overridden regardless of the last bit.

By the way, thanks for your maintenance of Lintian, it really helps to
make Debian packages better!


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