severity 276942 wishlist
tag 276942 moreinfo

September 2004, submitter wrote:

> The installer boots, but the console display likely ends up at the wrong
> video card. The last message to appear on the creator 3D output is 'using
> PROM console'. The kernel doesn't seem to detect the creator 3d board.
> The ATI video card is not initialized correctly as attaching a monitor
> doesn't give an image. The keyboard leds do function though, so the
> machine did not panic.

If I understand correct, is the request that the kernel detects
which video card the boot ROM is using and to use that also.

Could the request be elaborated?

So that is why I did the bug triage:
| severity 276942 wishlist
| tag 276942 moreinfo

Thing I'm thinking about is reassign the BR to the kernel.

Geert Stappers

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