Hi Bas,

Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
>> Unknown config command: articlesperpage
>If I remove this line in the config file, however, I can actually
>reproduce the bug.  It writes the file all right, but after that simply
>hangs with strace only showing futex()es and stat()s of /etc/localtime.

"articlesperpage" is an additional configuration command provided by a
plugin, "paged-output.py". THe behaviour of rawdog doesn't change for me
either if I remove this plugin, so I don't think this has something to
do with the actual bug.

Greetings from Stuttgart,


    Torsten Jerzembeck * Oberschlesische Straße 61 * D-70374 Stuttgart
      Exil-Westfale * PGP: B74DB58D * MIME welcome * Generation Tux

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