On Mon, 2006-10-02 at 15:58 +0200, Stephan Seitz wrote:
> >---
> >Firmwares are an essential part of any modern computer, and it is an
> >annoying but currently hard to change fact of life that we lack the
> >source for almost all of them.
> Then you can’t distribute these firmwares within the GPL driver sources.  
> You can only get the permission to distribute the firmware outside the 
> driver. In Debian this means, you can put it in non-free.
> [...]

>From what I see, would it be possible to have a useful (i.e.: complete)
package of zaptel-source in the non-free archive?

That would be enough for me.

> Debian will not show much commitment to free software if it
> distributes firmware without source (or without permission) in main.

The firmware is inside a tarball with a GPL license from Digium, is this
sufficient to freely distribute the firmware?
I would say yes, but IANAL so I'll try to ask Digium about that.

Some comments from the package mantainers?


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