On Tue, Oct 03, 2006, Junichi Uekawa wrote:
> >  TOIlet is a free FIGlet clone. It creates large characters out of ordinary
> >  screen characters in a way reminiscent of Usenet and ANSI signatures.
> >  .
> >  TOIlet has support for FIGlet ASCII fonts, but can use the full Unicode
> >  character set, colourize its output, and output in various formats such
> >  as IRC colour codes.
> I was a bit interested into this: can it also reproduce Japanese text
> etc.?

   It has UTF-8 input, so all it needs is a font with the appropriate
glyphs. I found at least one: figlet's banner.flf has the katakana set
(but no hiragana or kanjis):

% toilet -d /usr/share/figlet -f banner コンニチハ
                     #                     ##
 ##########  #       #               ######
          #   #     #     ######         #         #  #
          #        #                ##########    #    #
          #      ##                      #       #      #
          #    ##       ##########       #      #
 #########   ##                        ##

   It's not a very nice font but maybe I could get help from Japanese
Unicode artists to draw a font. If saw some pretty talented people on
the iichan message boards (though they seem to rather use the Mona font
and not a fixed-width font).


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