Le 26.09.2006, à 15:37:20, Moshe Yudkowsky a écrit:
> >Why do you call a "custom icon for a launchable file"?
> By "launchable file" I mean a Plucker file that can be launched from the 
> PDA desktop, directly, without starting the Plucker program. For the 
> plucker-build, this is the "--launchable" option.

OK. I never used this feature.

> A launchable file can have a custom icon on the PDA desktop instead of the 
> default Plucker icon. The path to the icon is given in the "--icon=<path>" 
> option to plucker-build.

I tried to use --icon=filename but I have:
Something is wrong with /home/rousseau/.plucker/LinuxFR.jpg, using default

Maybe the size is wrong? the file format? I search in the plucker-build
manpage but could not find anything.

Do you have an idea?

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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