Hi Philipp,

On 10/10/06, Philipp Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Philipp Kern wrote:
> It would be nice to see aiccu in etch/main and autobuilt. This
> discussion started on 2006-08-12, the maintainer did not respond until
> now although he was copied on the whole conversation. (Which is, by the
> way, archived in debian-email on master.)

And two months later there is not a single reply of the maintainer, so
aiccu is stuck in non-free for Etch. Heh.

Correct. It will be in non-free unless clause 5 is fixed in the licence.


1. The *new* version of their licence has an  IETF "should" clause.

2. The clarification (when written) was specific to Debian; so that
violated Social Contract #8.

Having read: <http://www.sixxs.net/tools/aiccu/LICENSE>

I can see the clarification is now actually mentioned in their LICENCE
as opposed to being just an email. So this comes down to whether or
not I believe their clarification overrules the actual text of the

In light of the email exchange between Jereon and yourself -- and his
"attitude" -- I'm inclined to be highly conservative, and this I do
not believe Pim's clairification override the licence.

I say this on the basis that I actually *did* let Jeroen know what I
was doing. He, like me, was obviously fairly busy, and I take silence
as consent.

Anand, are you MIA? Then please set the vacation flag in the database. I
see occasional reportbug activity in Echelon, but no PGP activity since

No, I'm not MIA - I'm just busy. Very busy with a startup that
launches on the 20th of this month.

Echelon is not as a good an indicator of activity as you might believe
-- it appears it's ability to detect activity on the basis of bug
reports and mailing list postings isn't working as well it could.


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