Package: dh-make-perl
Version: 0.23

trying to create a package of a perl module from cpan dh-make-perl
complaints about the used `cut` system command:

$ dh-make-perl --cpan Calendar::Simple --version 1.15-1 --desc "This is
a very simple module that models a calendar mont."
cut: option requires an argument -- d
Try `cut --help' for more information.

A patch fixing this is attached.

Kind Regards,

Michael Mende
--- /orig/dh-make-perl  2006-08-29 04:01:02.000000000 +0200
+++ dh-make-perl        2006-10-16 13:02:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ my $priority = 'optional';
 #my $section = 'interpreters';
 my $section = 'perl';
 my $depends = '${perl:Depends}';
-my $bdependsi = 'perl (>= ' . `dpkg -p perl|grep ^Version:|cut -f 2 -d \ ` . 
+my $bdependsi = 'perl (>= ' . `dpkg -p perl|grep ^Version:|cut -f 2 -d" " ` . 
 my $bdepends = 'debhelper (>= 5.0.0)';
 my $maintainer = get_maintainer();
 my $arch = 'all';

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