On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, Johannes Rohr wrote:
> Hi Kapi, thanks for your response.
> The only hint I can give would be to install the package dovecot-imapd,
> probably do some mail reading over IMAP (with thunderbird, evolution or
> whatever) and then fire up mutt again and see what happens.
> Just tried that myself:
> Result: ATM I have two computers with three GNU/Linux installs (two
> Debian, one Ubuntu) on all of which mutt is completely unusable. Now,
> I've copied all mail and mutt's config file over to a third box (again
> Ubuntu) on which the bug so far has not occured.
> I am really, really clueless and increasingly desperate. I had the hope
> that someone from the developer community would be able to make sense of
> the backtrace that I had attached to the bug report. Some additional
> info is also available from the Ubuntu bug report that I created some
> days ago.

There is a similar installation here, in other words:
Our main mailserver runs dovecot-imapd.

I normally access my mail using the dovecot-imapd service (using a
number of different user interfaces depending on where I am) but in
order to check your bug I logged in directly to the Mail server and
attempted to check mail. There was some problem with "mutt_dotlock"
not being able to lock the mailbox (some form of permissions problem)
but once I fixed this[*] I had no problems of the type mentioned in
your bug-report.

So there is still something about your configuration which is
different from what I have here.


[*] The lock business with mailboxes has always bothered me so I
like the idea of *not* accessing the mail directly but only through
"dovecot-imapd"; the latter and "exim4" seem to agree on what
constitutes a lock on a mailbox and no other program interferes with
mailboxes directly.

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