Package: Cyrus-imapd-2.2
Version: 2.2.13-8

Almost two weeks ago I started getting this error when trying to log into
my Cyrus 2.1 IMAP server. I have an LDAP setup to centralise user
accounts on my small family network. Thankfully this server is only used
by myself. I use saslauthd for authentication, configured to use my LDAP

In the process of trying to find the problem I upgraded to the 2.2
packages in an attempt to fix it, which is why I'm submitting it here. The
problem remains the same.

Today I found the reference to bug #145766 in README.Debian.gz. I rebuilt
the openldap2 package with --without-cyrus-sasl and installed the libldap2
package, but this did not seem to fix things. I found that simply removing
the 'ldap' entries in nsswitch.conf fixed the problem. So it seems to be
a problem with libnss-ldap. But without LDAP I couldn't log in to that
machine (I use it for a few things) and Postfix started bouncing my email
because it couldn't find my user account. So this is a totally unworkable
solution. Please help me!


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