reassign 393746 msttcorefonts

On 10/17/06, Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not sure exactly which package I should be reporting this bug
against, so please bear with me. :)

My problem: web pages that ask for the 'courier' font look ugly. The
font is very blurry, and lines that should be straight are not. I am
attaching a picture of what the rendering looks like.

As far as I can tell it's not actually courier that is being selected to
draw the text:

$ fc-match courier
NimbusMonL-Regu.pfb: "Nimbus Mono L" "Regular"

$ locate NimbusMonL-Regu.pfb

I would expect "Courier New" to be selected instead.

Dear msttcorefonts maintainer,

Please add defoma 'Alias' options to your hints file.  From a quick bit of websearching it appears that Courier New is intended to be metric compatible with Courier and Arial with Helvetica.  I expect other fonts in the msttcorefonts set were designed as drop-in replacements for existing fonts too.

gsfonts.hints has plenty of Alias examples, if what I'm asking isn't clear (or ask me and I can provide more details).

Sam (bug submitter),

Even once this is done, what you are asking is essentially a subjective opinion of which font is a better replacement for Courier.  Because there isn't a clearly superior choice for all possible uses of Courier fonts, you'll have to apply your own preference by editing /etc/defoma/hints/msttcorefonts.hints and increasing the 'Priority' options above 20 (and adding the desired font Aliases, if the msttcorefonts package hasn't been updated in the mean time).  Running 'defoma-font reregister-all /etc/defoma/hints/msttcorefonts.hints' as root should then regenerate all the relevant font configuration.

- Gus

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