Hilmar Preusse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> merge 299645 299809
> stop
> On 16.03.05 Thomas Kosch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi,
>> If you install a new/experimental version of a package it was not found
>> because the searchpath is set to
>> TEXMF = 
>> and TEXMFSYSCONFIG is set to $TEXMFMAIN. In the result the old Package
>> in /usr/share/texmf is found and taken.
> Has already been reported. Merging.
> As the TEXMF variable is configurable I rather think that bug is
> wishlist, but I'm not sure. What do you think?

No, it is definitely not wishlist, because it breaks existing setups.
If you change the line to 


you have what I will put into the next upload, and dpkg won't ask about
a changed conffile

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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