On 1 Nov 2006, at 8:11 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

Nope, it should also work without a desktop environment. After some looking, I now settled for autofs at the moment. Its setup is pretty easy, you only need to activate two lines in already existing configfiles and it automatically mounts your CDs and unmounts them after 60s of inactivity (which I also reduced to 5s). I think this is closer to what most people want, and I would perhaps mention it in the package description as alternative when a) you are
running Linux (I think autofs is Linux-only) and b) you only want some
removable media automounted.

autofs is not Linux-only - I think it's a Sys V/BSD thing - autofs came from Sys V and amd from BSD. We use both at work, and are gradually migrating to am-utils; it's more flexible when it comes to some of the cleverer things you can do with the mount maps.

I'll ask on the am-utils mailing list whether anyone has any ideas about getting it to unmount CD's sensibly.


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