On Friday 18 March 2005 16:04, Ben Burton wrote:
> I'm not sure what KDE policy is on what is required for a license
> change (i.e., what level of verification is required from the actual
> author). Thiago Macieira has requested that the authors make the
> relevant commits themselves
> (http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=110942626903439&w=2),
> though if Bernd no longer uses his CVS account then this might be
> problematic -- are there acceptable alternatives?

Well, if does not have the CVS account, but he agrees about the change, 
I think the current maintainer should have the right to make the 
change. If it is needed I can forward him the complete mail that I got 
from Bernd.

> I will try to contact Florent Pillet.

Adriaan de Groot said he is still active in the pilot-link development, 
so it should be possible to get in touch with him

Quanta Plus developer - http://quanta.sourceforge.net
K Desktop Environment - http://www.kde.org

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