El Viernes 18 Marzo 2005 08:37 escribiste:
> > Package: mozilla-firefox
> > Version: 1.0.1-2
> > Severity: normal
> > Tags: patch
> >
> > Hi, last Firefox versions have reverted the previous way of open links
> > from command line.
> >
> > In current version, if I try
> > $ firefox file.html
> > from command line while firefox is already running, file.html gets open
> > in an existing window, replacing its previous content, insted of open a
> > new window or tab.
> >
> > Bug #239323 submited a patch that allowed to open links in new windows or
> > tabs, depending on a environment variable (FIREFOX_OPEN_IN=tab), which
> > was already applied.
> >
> > It seems that you forgot to apply such patch for current version.
> >
> > Here is the patch again.
> This was done intentionally, it now follows the preference within
> firefox.

Sorry for the noise, I didn't realise about the new option.

Anyway, it would be nice to make the option "[open in] a new window" the 
default in Debian, as it was the default before. Otherwise, an entry in 
NEWS.Debian (or another *.Debian file) may be good.



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