Package: tkping

The system is a Compaq Deskpro EN, 1GHz CPU, 20GB HDD running Debian Testing Etch

Configuration problem:
I have problems configure the application thru the config files /etc/tkping/tkping.conf and ~/.tkpingrc

I try to sett ping time to 5 sec and 1 packet at the time but I always get the default values. It doesn't matter if I use the global conf-file tkping.conf or the local one .tkpingrc.
Host configuration thru .tkpingrc works though.

******** START .tkpingrc ******
WinTitle:   Bewator2010
Packets:   1
Sleep:       5
LogFile:    /home/uffe/tkping/tkping.log

<message> Servrar  Norra
<blank> Mellersta
<blank> Soedra Vaestra Oesttra

<message> Default GW Vns_router Ptaa_router Le_router

<message> Lokalsystem Vaennaes Piteaa Luleaa_stn Luleaa_bg
********* END .tkpingrc *********

Beside the working host configuration, the only way for me to set anything but default, is by the command line.

prompt:~$tkping -s 5 -p 1  -v  -w Bewator2010 -l /home/uffe/tkping/tkping.log

And yet, WinTitle is not set and the log-file don't end up where I specified, instead it ends up here ~/tkping.log

Logging problems:
The description of the logging parameter says "Log host-outages, periodic stats, and errors to {fspec}."
The only log entries I get are the starts and stops of the application.

******** START tkping.log ********
tkping: 14Nov06-08:12:21 Running...
tkping: 14Nov06-08:12:21   by uffe as: tkping
tkping: 14Nov06-08:12:34 Complete.

tkping: 14Nov06-08:12:38 Running...
tkping: 14Nov06-08:12:38   by uffe as: tkping -s 5 -p 1 -v -w Bewator2010 -l /home/uffe/tkping/tkping.log
tkping: 14Nov06-11:32:19 Complete.

tkping: 14Nov06-11:32:34 Running...
tkping: 14Nov06-11:32:34   by uffe as: tkping -s 5 -p 1 -v -w Bewator2010 -l /home/uffe/tkping/tkping.log
********* END tkping.log *********

I haven't found any way to provoke a log entry of lost packets or lost connection beside the starts and stops.
The only time I got anything else in the log file was when I used non english caracters in the name of  one of the nodes and then clicked "down". That rendered an errorr of "unknown name" or something. Sorry I didn't save that, but I don't think it's relevant for the existing problems.

I really like the application. It is fullfills my monitoring needs right now, but I do need the logging to work properly.

Best regards
Uffe Norberg

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