Florian Schlichting wrote:
> thanks for exceptionally quick reply. I did some testing, and can
> reproduce the problem. Since llgal works fine otherwise, it must somehow
> be related to the configuration. When I run llgal --gencfg myConfig,
> this is the output:
> # This is a llgal configuration file.
> # It was automatically generated on Wed Nov 15 23:17:04 2006.
> # You may modify and reuse it as you want.
> add_subdirs = 1
> index_title = "change title with --title xyz"
> link_subgalleries = 1
> local_llgal_dir = ".llgal"
> recursive = 1
> slide_width_max = 0
> verbose = 0
> www_access_rights = 1
> www_extension = "hp"
> let me clarify that I haven't used command line options here, only
> modified config files. I always run plain "llgal"

Ok, it makes sense now. llgal reads the system&user llgalrc first, and
then the local .llgal/llgalrc. But in case of -R, the local
.llgal/llgalrc file is only taken in account when generating the _local_
gallery. It means that the llgalrc at the root of your gallery tree will
_not_ be read when generating galleries in subdirectories. So, in your
case, llgal uses --php in the root directory, but not in the subdirs. I
think it explains the whole mess you're seeing.

I have thought several times about whether I should read the root
llgalrc or not when generating galleries in subdirs. Because of some
other problems, I came to the conclusion that it's better to not read it
and just let the user pass --config (this one will be read for all
gallery generations). In your case, I think you should rename
.llgal/llgalrc to something non standard like .llgal/my_root_llgalrc and
add "--config .llgal/my_root_llgalrc" to your llgal command-line.

I know that it would be easier to not have to remember to pass this
option everytime you regenerate the gallery. But, I think it is more
flexible this way. Note that you should get used to check the HTML
headers in the index file to find oud how the gallery got generated
previously. This way, you'll remember to pass --config foo again:
    <meta name="generator" content="llgal --config foo" />

I will try to improve the documentation to explain all this.

> how could these options be changed midway in a recursive llgal run?

When I enter a subdirectory, I take the config from system&user back,
then the local llgalrc (not the root one), and then the ones passed with

> there's another petty thing that I'd like to bug you with: my images are
> 800x600 (preprocessed), and that's the size they are supposed to be in
> on the slides. The slides produced look perfect - the thing I don't
> like, though, is that there's still a link on the image saying "Click to
> see full size..." - which is simply not true, the image is already full
> size and the link redundant.
> So, do you think it's a reasonable request to have llgal omit that link
> and tooltip in case the slide uses the original image already and not
> .llgal/scaled_xyz.jpg?

Right now, llgal only creates a link from the slide do the original
image when --sx or --sy got passed. If the original image is smaller
than the dimensions passed to --sx and/or --sy, then no resizing is
done, the original is kept and used both in the slide and as the target
of the link. Yes, it could make sense to not link at all in this case, I
will think about it.
But, if your images are already resized to 800x600, why do you need to
pass --sx/--sy then? If you don't pass any of these options, you should
get a slide without any link.


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