
On Sun, Mar 20, 2005, Christian Henz wrote:
> Rhythmbox does not seem to suffer from the memory problem, but I could
> not really tell if it was actually using gst or xine for streaming...
> (since amarok/xine works too). I could not get Muine to run.

 Rhythmbox uses GStreamer, if you can starve Rhythmbox reading your stream
 in the way you starved amarok, and amarok crashes, but not
 Rhythmbox, it is most probably an amarok bug of course.

 Could you try to clarify this?

 You can also try to load your network connection while running this
 command which emulates the behavior of Rhythmbox:
    gst-launch-0.8 gnomevfssrc location=/path/to/my/musicfile.ogg ! \
        spider ! volume ! audioscale ! audioconvert ! $(gconftool-2 \
        -g /system/gstreamer/0.8/default/audiosink)

 (Replace "/path/to/my/musicfile.ogg" with "http://your_stream.mp3";.)

 I hope this will help clarify which program is responsible for the


"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."

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