
On Friday 24 November 2006 09:25, Tore Anderson wrote:
>   Strange.  This entry is supposed only to apply to contacts called
>  "nagios" or "old-nagios", why it would cause a message to be sent for
>  your "me"-contact I don't really know.

Heh. Guess I found a bug then :)

>   I've got a email contact almost the same as your in my munin.conf, and
>  I don't get any such mails at ten o'clock.  The differences is that I
>  don't use the always_send directive, and I'm running version 1.2.5.

Ok. I disabled always_send now. I still get alarms (just tested), enabled the 
10:10 cronjob again and tomorrow morning we'll see if I get that OK-summary 
again or not :)

If I'll get them again, I'll upgrade to the etch version..


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