On Wed, Oct 04, 2006, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> The descriptions of the binary packages built from p7zip don't clearly
> describe the packages. For example, p7zip's short description "7-Zip
> is a file archiver with high compression ratio" makes wonder "...OK, but
> what is p7zip?". If there's no room for more, "file archiver with high
> compression ratio" would be better. The full descriptions suffer from
> the same problem.

What about the proposition below?

Description: linux port for the famous 7-zip archiver
 7-Zip is the file archiver that archives with the highest compression
 ratios. The program supports 7z (which implements the LZMA compression
 algorithm). Compression ratios with the 7z format are 30 to 50% better
 than ratios with the ZIP format.
 p7zip-full provides 7z and 7za which handles more compression formats.

> Finally, in case you didn't already, you should consider renaming p7zip
> to p7zip-minimal (or something similar) and p7zip-full to p7zip. This
> would avoid issues like #381696, where ark understandably assumes that
> the p7zip package provides p7zip (which is described on its official
> site as "a port of 7za.exe for POSIX systems [...]"), as it did earlier.

I've already thought of that when splitting the package. But I 've
decided to rename the other way around. Now I don't want to change p7zip
users' habits every year.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

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