> OK, now that I have this working, I can verify that with 0.7, after
> enabling the mailing, the messages appear to come from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (obscuring actual domain).
check your local MTA configuration, in particular /etc/mailname
fail2ban is simply callin gmail command without specifying "From" at all
- thus it takes root since it is running as root and it takes mail name
  of the box... or it depends how your system configured... just have a
  look at /etc/fail2ban/action.d/mail-whois.conf and actionban to see
  support for my words...

> Is it the case that there is no option to set the sender anymore
> (short of editing the command that sends the mail)?
yep - you would need to override actionban in
/etc/fail2ban/action.d/mail-whois.local in section [Definition]

(or edit .conf file directly which I wouldn't recommend)

> Should fail2ban include some kind of dependency on a package that
> provides the mail command (I have mailx, which is priority important,
> and provides mail-reader)?
I will add suggests to mailx I think... mail-reader is irrelevant I
think - correct me if I am wrong

> P.S. mail-whois.conf includes

> # Destinataire of the mail

> dest = root

> I think the desired English is "Destination" not "Destinataire".

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