On Wed, Nov 29, 2006, Sam Morris wrote:
> <natyaht> fortunately, there'll be a new [release of gst-ffmpeg] next
> week

 It's going to be hard to test.  If I upload it, there's the risk of
 gst-ffmpeg being removed from the archive if a RC is discovered too
 late.  It's a complicated pile of code, which is supposed to handle
 many formats, there's room for a lot of breakage, and late discovery of
 this breakage.  :-/

 So, I'm not so much in favor of pushing it to etch; in particular
 because there will be other options such as backports.

  "You see, killbots have a preset kill limit.  Knowing their weakness,
   I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their
   limit and shutdown."                                -- Zapp Brannigan

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