Taking a 2nd look at a fresh installation of xchat2 I noticed that the
default keyboard shortcuts do contain the F9 entry but CTRL-F9 ist not
in that list. So I guess CTRL-F9 is the hard coded default. I just
tried what happens, when one changes the default key binding for "/GUI
MENU TOGGLE". I set the key to be F11 which works fine so far, but now
there is no popup hint window, when you hit F11. Actually there is
never a popup shown when hitting F9 in the default installation I
noticed. But CTRL-F9 still works and brings up the expected popup which 
now states wrong that one can bring back the menu bar by hitting F9.

So my suggestion is to just change the popup text so it reflects
CTRL-F9, because this seems to always work. Even when I set CTRL-F9 to
execute an empty command in the shortcut configuration, it seems to be
overruled by the hard coded default and it also always brings up the


Marcus Blumhagen

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