
2006 m. gruodis 2 d., šeštadienis 18:59, Tom McCabe rašė:
> Unreproducible? You didn't even use the same version
> of Firefox I have!
Yes, because that firefox is irrelevant. It can't be shipped with etch as Mike 
said due to another serious bug (#354622).

> I run Etch. Iceweasel is not in Etch. Firefox version
> 1.5.dfsg+ is, and so therefore any bug in
> Firefox 1.5.dfsg+ is a bug in Etch until Etch
> is updated.
Yes, you run etch, but do you realize that etch has not been released yet? So 
please *help* maintainers to determine the cause of the bug. Maybe it's 
flashplugin-nonfree bug and firefox has nothing to do with it? So:

1) remove flashplugin and test
2) if unsuccessful, upgrade to iceweasel and test (without flashplugin)
3) if 2) was successful, install flashplugin from unstable and test (enjoy).

This way you can actually help to improve quality of etch even if the problem 
involves flashplugin (non-free software).

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