Hi Modestas,

Also, sprach Modestas Vainius am Donnerstag, den 07. Dezember 2006 um 00:45:
> 2006 m. spalis 1 d., sekmadienis 21:58, Sebastian Fontius rašė:
> > I upgraded to Amarok 1.4.3-1 today (from current testing 1.4.1-3,
> > which worked fine).  If I want to edit the metadata of a track the
> > user interface hangs very often, but not always.  The song
> > continues to play (and if I heard correctly even fades out), but
> > the interface is dead.  It does not get redrawn, it does not
> > react, nothing.  After the song is finished the next will not
> > play.
> Can you confirm that the bug is still there in amarok 1.4.4? If so,
> "reply to all" to this message putting "Version: 1.4.4-1" as the
> first line of the body.

No, 1.4.4-1 is perfectly fine regarding metadata editing.  It never
crashed and I edited quite a lot of metadata.

You can close this bug.

Greetings and thanks for your work on Amarok,

: Sebastian Fontius : www.fsfe.org : www.fsfe.org/en/fellows/smc
    []   | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little |
  [][][] |  temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."      |
    ||   :                                     Benjamin Franklin, 1759 :

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