
 some trivia first:
 - Debian's lilo is patched with an unofficial patch for device-mapper
   support which was not updated since mid 2005
 - Debian just hits the problem, but it seems to be a common problem if
   I look at google queries; see also:

 The conclusion of most threads / (open) bug reports / forums is that
 you should not have /boot on md / lvm / whatever, but since this used
 to work, I suppose we are somehow bound to continue supporting this.

 Now, that said, my basic understanding is that something like this
 - lilo builds a device map with device blocks major/minor ids
 - this map is filtered for duplicates
 - lilo then tries some device-mapper ioctls on the devices which fail

 The problem triggered by udev creating the /dev/dm-* devices is that
 lilo now prefers using these rather than the device-mapper entries
 (/dev/mapper/*).  The device-mapper ioctls fail for some reason on the
 /dev/dm-* devices (no idea why).

On Thu, Dec 07, 2006, Harald Staub wrote:
> pf_hard_disk_scan: (254,0) /dev/dm-0
> Caching device /dev/dm-0 (0xFE00)
> pf_hard_disk_scan: (254,1) /dev/dm-1
> Caching device /dev/dm-1 (0xFE01)

 Here lilo caches that would it want to do ioctls on a device with
 major/minor 0xFE00, it would do so on dev/dm-0.  Ditto for 0xFE01.

> lookup_dev:  number=FE01
> device-mapper: table ioctl failed: No such device or address
> Fatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed

 Here lilo tries to lookup the device mapper table of FE01, and it
 fails.  I can confirm it fails here, with a similar example of a device
 on LVM:
 bee:~# file /dev/dm-1
 /dev/dm-1: block special (254/1)
 bee:~# file /dev/mapper/bee--sata-refuge 
 /dev/mapper/bee--sata-refuge: block special (254/1)
 bee:~# dmsetup table /dev/mapper/bee--sata-refuge
 0 131072 linear 8:2 117440896
 bee:~# dmsetup table /dev/dm-1
 dm_task_set_name: Device /dev/dm-1 not found
 Command failed
 bee:~# dmsetup table bee--sata-refuge
 0 131072 linear 8:2 117440896
 bee:~# dmsetup table dm-1
 device-mapper: table ioctl failed: No such device or address
 Command failed

 So, if the device-mapper table errors you are seeing in the verbose
 lilo run are the fatal part and the problem we are trying to solve, the
 next steps I would see are:
 - check why running ioctls on dm-* devices fails (is it bad style?
   should we create /dev/mapper/dm-* devices?  why does it fail when we
   pass a full device path?); perhaps we can fix the problem at the
   libdevmapper level and make dmsetup table /dev/dm-1 work
 - if it's incorrect to use /dev/dm-* nowadays, or if we can't tell,
   blacklist /dev/dm-* from the lilo device map

 I happen to not be a kernel hacker, a lilo hacker, or anything close,
 so anyone with a clue can try the above; thanks!

 I hope the dm table ioctl is the real underlying problem, and not a
 bunch of confusing warnings.

 "I have no strong feelings one way or the other." -- Neutral President

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