On Thu, 7 Dec 2006 01:02:41 -0500 Mark Phillips wrote:

> Anyway, it's fine with me if someone wants to change the names of
> these files.  The simplest thing would be to just drop the initial
> '.'.

Or to substitute it with something else (an underscore '_', perhaps)...

> That would involve changing each external module and/or its
> Makefile, and changing the part of Geomview that looks for the files,
> which is in the file src/bin/geomview/commonworldio.c.

I think you mean "src/bin/geomview/common/worldio.c", right?

As a possibly even better modification, Geomview could check for the new
name and, in case of failure, check for the old name.
That way you would have back-compatibility, wouldn't you?

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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