> I have a feeling policy may frown on rewriting NEWS or changelogs
> after the fact, but this certainly seems like a good case in which to
> do so.  The only possible drawback I can see is that people who
> upgraded and got the old NEWS will not get the new NEWS (if they use
> apt-listchanges). 
Well - I see it not as a drawback but as a desired behavior. There will
be corresponding changelog entry about changed NEWS entry, so they are
welcome to review it.

> On the other hand, it will be much less confusing
> for people who are still at .6 to see only a single NEWS entry.
Yeah - that sounds in line with my thinking. Also, NEWS is not quite a
changelog entry, so I feel ok modifying it.

Also, since the change of configuration scheme is quite an important
event, I had duplicated given NEWS entry in postinst script (simply
duplicated the same text). Now I will have to modify it or to substitute
it with some sed command on NEWS file; and indeed apt-listchanges
people might see it twice. But better be warned twice in a consistent
way than to stay unalarmed.

> > This note was rewritten to provide less clarifies and replaces the
> > previous NEWS item since version 0.7.5-2.
> That sentence doesn't parse in English.  Here's what I think you mean:
> "This note was rewritten in release 0.7.5-2 to clarify its meaning."
doh... that sentence skipped my proofreading -- thanks once again!

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