On Dec 11, 2006, at 4:26 PM, Daniel Rodriguez Garcia wrote:


It has been announced recently that Debian Etch has been frozen. I'm not
much aware of the implications for ACIDBASE (as it has been currently
automatically removed from Etch repository).

For the BASE project, there is no implications.  We will continue to
provide the project via our project pages. For Debian, that is different. I am willing to help how ever I can, but it seems to me that things are out
of my hands as I am not the maintainer of the PEAR library.

Therefore, I think the problem here is time. It would be a pity to lose
this package for this "silly" thing.

Hear Hear. Especially a silly thing that seems to be hit or miss applied.
ACID was in debian for years with a library that was commercial.

Possible alternatives:

1) Cut out the graphics rendering functionality from ACIDBASE (not
really essential, for me). A link for exporting data to a spreadsheet
format would be enough.

I recommended that and was insulted.

2) A text based histogram (similar to that in main screen)?

Not sure how this would be different from the main screen, but
if you would like to send me more details, I can see what we can
build.  It sounds like a nice thing for anyone who doesn't want the
full graphing but needs a quick chart.

3) Implement that functionality as a Java applet ?? i.e. optional
functionality: you leave the problem of installing Java in their
browsers to client users.

Never! Sorry <grin> Java is something that I will always leave out of BASE. I think that moving in that direction is just asking for other troubles and I have enough support emails and phone calls from people having trouble getting to
their BASE install just using the browser.


Daniel R.

Let me know what you would like me to do....


Kevin Johnson GCIA, GCIH, CISSP, CEH
Principal Consultant
Secure Ideas

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