severity 404861 important
tags 404861 moreinfo

Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> If really you can't preserve the comments, it must be said at the
>> beginning of the configuration file.
> That would also be a good idea.  
> In summary, I think that wwwoffle's handling of wwwoffle.conf is
> suboptimal, but I don't see how this is release-critical.  The wording
> of Policy and etch_rc_policy.txt is unclear about this, I think, but I
> would downgrade this bug to important.

(09:37:56) fant: "Changes to configuration files must be preserved during a 
package upgrade."
(09:38:22) fant: Does that include comments? Or is it acceptable to 
remove/change those, if the original file is available as a backup?
(09:38:46) fant: Of course it's a bug to remove comments, but is it RC?

(09:45:37) vorlon: fant: I'm straddling the fence on that one, personally.

In this particular case, I think it is okay to downgrade the severity,
since the problem seems to occur only in very special cases.  I have
tried to create a patch, but found that the code looks okay, and should
preserve comments even at the end of the file.

Can you please send the backuped old version, and the postinst-changed
new version of the file?

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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