On Sat, 2006-12-23 at 22:20 +0100, Christer Mjellem Strand wrote:
> I disagree. Board admins are indeed board admins, but that does not 
> necessarily imply they're equipped to do anything directly in the 
> database. 

I agree that this is a potential problem, but I think that giving
spammers free advertising by default, and thereby encouraging abuse even
more, is a more important problem than having to set up an account for
the board admin in those cases that the admin does not have that

If I were to choose between a smtp server that is an open relay by
default, or one that isn't but requires an extra configuration step in
some cases, I'd definately choose the latter.

> As I said, fully understandable. But I hope it can be looked into
> again after release.

Sure, we will, and I think there's a better solution possible than this
one. We'll work on it, but reverting this solution only swaps one
problem for the other.


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