Package: widelands
Version: build9half-10
Severity: normal


  there's upstream bug #1377585, which was fixed in the svn revision
1078. See attached file for the fix. Tested with build9half on debian


Alexei Chetroi
Imported from svn revision: 1078

Index: src/
--- widelands-build9half.orig/src/     (revision 1077)
+++ widelands-build9half/src/  (revision 1078)
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
    if( path[path.size()-1] != '/' ) 
       path += '/';
+   if( path[0] != '/' )
+      path = '/'+path;
    unzCloseCurrentFile( m_unzipfile );
    unzGoToFirstFile( m_unzipfile );
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@
       std::string filename = FS_Filename( complete_filename.c_str() );
       std::string filepath = complete_filename.substr( 0, 
-      if( path == filepath ) 
+      if ( ( path == filepath ) && ( filename != "" ) )
          results->insert( complete_filename );
       if( unzGoToNextFile( m_unzipfile ) == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE ) 

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