maximilian attems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> this is pretty useless in this case,
> if you want to do something usefull grab 2.6.20-rc3 from upstream
> and file bugs for the open ones.
> afaik acpi is still not settled, may be othere ones too.

I am not a Linux kernel developer; I am a Debian developer.  The
purpose of this bug report is to document an issue (and its
workaround) in Debian Etch.  Even if the bug is fixed upstream, it is
still present in Debian Etch at this time, and will affect other
people for as long as the buggy kernel is in Debian Etch.

> linux-2.6 meta packet has way to many bogus or valid reports that a
> user would look at it, so i highly question this documentation.

As can be seen from the subject line, I did not file this bug report
against linux-2.6; I filed it against linux-image-2.6.18-3-amd64.
There are, currently, 6 bugs on that package, none of which seem bogus
to me.

> modprobe blacklisting is not like black magic and not worth to
> "document".

Yes, it is worth documenting because not everyone is a kernel
developer - or a developer at all.  The most valuable item in this bug
report is that it establishes a link between *symptoms* (subject
line), *cause*, and *workaround*.  None of these are black magic, but
linking them together is valuable.

You are a volunteer just like me.  You strive to make Debian Etch as
perfect as possible, just like I do.  Nobody forces you to read bug
reports; but if you do, please refrain from off-topic
(i.e. non-technical) discussions in bug reports.  I will comment no
more on this issue.

Ludovic Brenta.

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