On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 01:36:36PM +0100, Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On 2007-01-05 Mike Hommey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 11:04:30PM +0200, Meelis Roos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > > Package: iceape-browser
> > > Version: 1.0.7-2
> > > Severity: normal
> > > Since migrating to iceape packages, theme selection in browser does not
> > > work. It has reset to classic instead of moderdn. Selectin modern theme 
> > > from
> > > the menu helps for the next browser start but the theme is reset to 
> > > classic
> > > on the following start again.
> > Obviously, you have the same problem as in #405585, which I can't
> > reproduce. Could you try to read the bug log and try to find out what in
> > your ~/.mozilla directory may be responsible for that ? Thank you.
> Hello,
> I found a way to reproduce it.
> 1. rm -rf .mozilla/
> 2. start iceape to generate a fresh .mozilla/ and exit without making
>    any changes.
> 3. copy the attached chrome.rdf to the chrome subdirectory in your
>    profile (~/.mozilla/default/e49r9dec.slt/chrome/chrome.rdf)
> 4. start iceape, select Modern theme, exit iceape
> 5. start iceape, Modern theme is used, exit iceape
> 6. start iceape, Classic theme is used again.
> Afaict setting »user_pref("general.skins.selectedSkin",
> "modern/1.0");« in prefs.js normally (i.e. without a "broken"
> chrome.rdf) is propagated to chrome.rdf at the next restart, however
> this does not seem to happen, chrome.rdf stay unchanged.

Meelis, could you check if there is no c:selectedSkin in your
chrome.rdf file ?
If this is the case, I wonder how this can have happened...


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