
I'm takeing care about uploading skype into the official Debian repository. There are some difficulties with the license terms left we have to discuss.

1. Skype End User License Agreement

"2.3 No Modifications. You will not undertake, cause, permit or authorize the modification [...] Skype Software."

-->We will not modify the Skype program, but we may fix its menu entries in the desktop environment according to the location where Skype is installed in the filesystem. I guess, you have nothing against that.

"2.5 [...] Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that Skype, in its sole discretion, may modify or discontinue or suspend Your ability to use any version of the Skype Software, or terminate any license hereunder, at any time. [...]"

-->We cannot guarantee that. Once a particular Debian version is released, cdrom images are made and we cannot remove it from the already distributed images.

"3.2.2 You will constantly monitor the Skype Website in order to ensure that You are distributing the latest stable version of the Skype Software as well as that You are aware of any changes in the applicable legal documents. [...]"

-->We cannot guarantee that. Same as with 2.5 above, we cannot modify already released Debian versions. For the development branches (testing/unstable), we cannot guarantee it as well, but we will do our best. For already released versions of Debian (stable), it is a technical problem - for development branches (testing/unstable), it is not a technical but a legal problem.

"8.1 Term. This Agreement will be effective as of the Effective Date and will remain effective until terminated by either Skype or You as set forth below."

-->See comment to 2.5.

"8.2 Termination by Skype. Skype may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing notice to You and/or by preventing Your access to the Skype Software, as set forth in Article 2.5 above."

-->See comment to 2.5.

"12.1 New versions of the Agreement. Skype reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time by providing such revised Agreement to You or by publishing the revised Agreement on the Skype Website. Your continued use of the Skype Software shall constitute Your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of the revised Agreement."

-->See comment to 2.5.

2. Distribution Terms

"[...] By sending such email, You explicitly agree to be bound by the Distribution Terms below as well as any renewed versions thereof as well as the Skype Promotional Materials Terms and any renewed versions thereof, as will be published on the Skype Website. [...]"

-->See comment to 2.5 of the Skype End User License Agreement.

"[...] Skype reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny your request to distribute the Software. [...]"

-->See comment to 2.5 of the Skype End User License Agreement.

"3. You will constantly monitor the Skype Website in order to ensure that You are distributing the latest stable version of the Skype Software as well as that You are aware of any changes in the applicable legal documents. [...]"

-->Same as 3.2.2. of the Skype End User License Agreement.

"4. You will at any and all times clearly indicate that the Skype Software originates from Skype, by using the Skype Promotional Materials strictly in accordance with the Skype Promotional Materials Terms as published on the Skype Website. If published on a website, You will also need to include the hyperlinks to the Skype Website and a link to the download location of the Skype Software."

-->Every Debian package has a file 'copyright' installed in /usr/share/doc/$package_name/. In this file, the license terms and the origin of the package are cleary listed. Except the informations given in the copyright-file, we cannot include any of the promotional materials to our websites, nor to the bug-tracking sites of the Skype package, nor adding links to the mentioned sites.

Summary =======

What we need:

* Permission to modify files *around* the Skype program (desktop menu-entries).

* A non-revokable license to every particular versions of Skype:
- without beeing forced to upgrade to a newer version than which we optained before.
- without beeing forced to upgrade to a newer license-version than which we optained before with the particular version of Skype.
- without beeing forced to place banners or links to our websites.

Note: This permissions can be restricted to the Debian project solely, if you don't want to give the same permissions to every Skype user/distributor.

I'm looking forward to hear from you, so we can integrate Skype soon into Debian and offer Skype in an easy way to all of our users.

Kind regards,
Daniel Baumann

PS: Interim packages are still available from http://archive.daniel-baumann.ch/debian/packages/skype/. Feel free to have a look at those packages. Except from the permission to upload those into Debian, they are ready.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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