Package: parted
Version: 1.7.1-3
Severity: important
Tags: d-i

We recently ran into the fact that libparted does not support the 
important ext3 features dir_index and resize_inode.

For Debian Installer this means that partman no longer supports 
resizing "recently" created ext3 partitions. Copying data from such 
partitions is not supported either.
In Etch, new ext3 partitions have these features enabled by default as 
they are very important to users (especially for servers running mission 
critical services).

Probably other utilities that use libparted will have the same issues.

I'm filing this bug as important as not having support for these features 
effectively cripples utilities that are based on libparted. I intend to 
raise the severity of this BR to RC after the release of Etch as IMO not 
supporting these features will make libparted unsuitable for release with 


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