Brice Goglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> About 2 years ago, you reported a bug to the Debian BTS regarding the X
> server not being able to open apm_bios when using devfs naming rules.
> With udev replacing devfs, the bug might have disappeared. Did you
> reproduce this problem recently? If not, I will close this bug in the
> next weeks.

With the removal of devfs, the problem still exists, but can probably
now be considered a non-problem, given that devfs users have had to
"upgrade" to udev (that's what I did).  However, the naming rules
themselves are not tied to devfs; you can use them with udev, for
example, or with static devices, and so I think the "devfs-style"
device name should be supported by the code which opens apm_bios.  At
the very least, device names should not be hardcoded; a configuration
option would be useful here.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux   
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?
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