I did a valgrind test with trackballs, i add the last lines, before the
Hopefully that gives you some more informations.

I tried to start my X server without DRI extension, hinted by the valgrind
output. The menu was fine, but if i try to start the game, now the whole
X server is crashing.


==5583== Invalid read of size 4
==5583==    at 0x5024268: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x5024EAE: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x50262F4: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x5020F31: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x50B650E: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x4293D99: glNormal3dv (in /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2)
==5583==    by 0x8056BD1: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x8057AF3: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x804E7E6: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x804CC48: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x40725D1: scm_boot_guile (in /usr/lib/libguile.so.12.3.1)
==5583==    by 0x804BEC9: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==  Address 0x3F800008 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==5583== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==5583==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x3F800008
==5583==    at 0x5024268: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x5024EAE: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x50262F4: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x5020F31: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x50B650E: (within /usr/lib/dri/radeon_dri.so)
==5583==    by 0x4293D99: glNormal3dv (in /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2)
==5583==    by 0x8056BD1: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x8057AF3: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x804E7E6: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x804CC48: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583==    by 0x40725D1: scm_boot_guile (in /usr/lib/libguile.so.12.3.1)
==5583==    by 0x804BEC9: (within /usr/games/trackballs)
==5583== ERROR SUMMARY: 1321657 errors from 187 contexts (suppressed: 77 from 1)
==5583== malloc/free: in use at exit: 51,269,549 bytes in 24,073 blocks.
==5583== malloc/free: 44,368 allocs, 20,295 frees, 141,069,405 bytes allocated.
==5583== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==5583== searching for pointers to 24,073 not-freed blocks.
==5583== checked 48,834,436 bytes.
==5583== LEAK SUMMARY:
==5583==    definitely lost: 444 bytes in 24 blocks.
==5583==      possibly lost: 585,298 bytes in 794 blocks.
==5583==    still reachable: 50,683,807 bytes in 23,255 blocks.
==5583==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==5583== Use --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.

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