Package: radvd
Version: 1:0.7.2-7
Severity: important

i've pasted the following example from man radvd.conf to my real

       interface eth0
               AdvSendAdvert on;

               # Advertise at least every 30 seconds
               MaxRtrAdvInterval 30;

               prefix 0:0:0:5678::/64
                       AdvOnLink on;
                       AdvAutonomous on;
                       Base6to4Interface ppp0;

                       # Very short lifetimes for dynamic addresses
                       AdvValidLifetime 300;
                       AdvPreferredLifetime 120;

and only changed the first line to "interface eth1" (eth0 is where my
pppoe modem is connected to), and the prefix line to "prefix

Radvd runs just fine, except one major misbehaviour: the computers in
my LAN get assigned an IPv6 addresses in form of
"0:WWXX:YYZZ:f00f::/64" instead of "2002:WWXX:YYZZ:f00f::/64". Weird,
isn't it? I suppose it's a bug in radvd. For me, it's quite an
important one. :/

Any ideas?


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