reassign 408323 ucf 
found 408323 2.0018
notfound 408323 2.0018.1
severity 408323 grave
merge 408323 407963

Pierre Renié <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Purge des fichiers de configuration de tex-common ...
> /usr/bin/ucfr: line 265: :echo: command not found
> dpkg : erreur de traitement de tex-common (--purge) :
>  le sous-processus post-removal script a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 
> 127
> Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
>  tex-common
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

This is the infamous ucf bug.  Lamont fixed it in an NMU, but with
urgency=low, which helps the unstable buildds, but not users of etch who
want to purge packages.

Release team, would you please consider to increase the urgency of ucf,
so that it won't need ten days until it's fixed in etch?

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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