* Andrew Suffield ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 07:57:00PM -0500, Eric Dorland wrote:
> > I'm getting some pushback from upstream on this actually and on second
> > thought I'm leery to fuddle with someones copyright assertion, as
> > innocuous as it may be. I'm going to wait for upstream to make a
> > call. 
> I find it deeply amusing that a supposedly free software project cites
> a list of proprietary software examples (for which all rights *are*
> reserved) when trying to justify what their license text says.

I'm glad you're amused. I find it very frustrating. 
> I find it even more amusing that they're willing to expend pages and
> pages of discourse for what is little more than a documentation
> inconsistency that could be fixed by copying a couple of lines from
> the about: text to the dialog text. In fact, I cannot imagine any
> compelling reason why these two things should not be identical - it's
> not like the about: text wouldn't fit.

Hopefully I can convince them. 

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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