No... I hadn't uploaded the new fwbuilder package yet as I've learned over
the past 6 years to wait for libfwbuilder to be uploaded and built by all
the auto-builders *before* uploading fwbuilder. As of only 5 days ago the
last of the auto-builds completed so expect the fwbuilder upload as soon as
I verify it's contents and am satisfied to upload it.


On 1/31/07, Vincent Bernat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OoO Vers la fin de l'après-midi du mardi 19 décembre 2006, vers 16:54,
"Jeremy Bouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

> I am working on 2.1.8 packaging on my new dev build machine as time has
> started to become available for such tasks. I will be uploading to
> as soon as I have them ready but I am not expecting them to land within
> release, and therefore expect them to sit in Sid until Etch+1.

Hi !

You have uploaded a new version  of libfwbuilder but there is still no
new  version of fwbuilder.  In fact,  fwbuilder is  now broken  in sid
because there is no more libfwbuilder6c2a.

Maybe you forgot to upload fwbuilder as well ?
Identify bad input; recover if possible.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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