Am Mittwoch, den 07.02.2007, 13:03 +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy:

>   Package name    : Orange-data-mining


Sounds very interesting.

> "Orange is released under General Public License (GPL) and as such is
> free if you use it under these terms. We do, however, oblige the users
> to cite the following white paper together with any other work that
> accompanied Orange any time you use Orange in your publications:

This is a VERY strange addition. I think it is 

 a) incompatible with the GPL, and as it links with at least Qt, this
    makes Orange indistributable.
 b) senseless, because if Orange is used in a scientific publication 
    they have to be mentioned anyways - maybe not with this exact paper,
    but I am confident everybody uses that exact paper if they do not 
    oblige the users, but ask them to use this paper - not another. 
    This of course does not help with other publications like magazins 
    and such.


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