On February 8, 2007 at 7:03PM +1100,
peterc (at gelato.unsw.edu.au) wrote:

> >> Messages bounced from MTAs that do not encapsulate the bounce in a
> >> MIME envelope are usually not recognised.  I suggest changing the
> >> default value of wl-rejected-letter-start to "^Received:" which
> >> will work with almost all bounced messages.
> Tatsuya> Could you please show the problematic bounced messages?
> Appended, at least the top parts.

Thanks, I'll tell the upstream about this.

> Tatsuya> Anyway, I'll forward this bug report to the upstream.  (I
> Tatsuya> think "^Received:" should be "^Received:.*\\(\n[ \t].*\\)*$"
> Tatsuya> to match trailing characters of the "^Received:".)
> It's no different.  You don't have to match the whole line, just the
> start of it.

My suggestion is more strictly.  To see the difference, insert "Cc:"
between "Received: " and "from" in the bounced mail and try `M-E'.

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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