# removal of GStreamer 0.8 vs removal of gst-ffmpeg
clone 410352 -1
retitle -1 Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
reassign 410352 gst-ffmpeg
block -1 with 410352
severity -1 important
clone -1 -2 -3 -4
retitle -2 teatime: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
reassign -2 teatime 2.6.0-4
close -2 2.6.0-5
retitle -3 goobox: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
reassign -3 goobox 0.9.93-7
retitle -4 muine: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
reassign -4 muine 0.8.5-1.1
block -1 with -2 -3 -4


 Per request of the security team (see below), gst-ffmpeg and its
 associated codecs support will be dropped for etch; this means your
 programs wont support some formats anymore.  I strongly suggest to move
 to GStreamer 0.10 in unstable right now, this might give a chance to
 your program to be reviewed by the release team and transition to Etch.

 For teatime, I'm going to ask for an unblock hint; for muine, I think
 it would be ok to upload the new upstream release.

 This is the request of the security team:

On Sat, Feb 10, 2007, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> gstreamer-0.8 embeds a full copy of the ffmpeg, which frequently
> has vulnerabilities. For mplayer and gstreamer0.10 exceptions
> were more or less justified, but for gstreamer0.8 this isn't
> the case. It has only three rev-deps: teatime and and muine have
> already easily been fixed in sid/experimental. goobox appears dead
> upstream (According to http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=531
> the last release is from Nov 2005), has hardly any users in popcon
> and we have plenty of media players in Debian. So unless it's fixed
> to use gstreamer 0.10 it'll need to be removed from Etch along with
> gstreamer 0.8.


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