tags 377777 + pending

On Tue, Feb 13, 2007, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> but you only consider the etch release there...

 ... Yeah like -- you know -- the release we're trying to ... err ...
 release ...

> not relevant for etch, but you don't consider:
> - the buildd and compilation/arch problem that can be faced and
> solved, without waiting for etch to be released,
> - the possibility for others to audit and help to improve the package,
> - the possibility for sid derived distro to use all that.

 And this can all happen after etch.  I don't care about pushing
 packages for use in derived distros; I'm not participating in such a

 So my priority should be working on a clean package so that it can be
 synced to Ubuntu?  Thanks, but no thanks.

 You can't imagine how it pisses me off to read from a DD that I should
 focus on packages which can not be included in the next Debian release
 so that Ubuntu can pull them.  Not only is this distracting me from
 other Debian tasks, but it's also encouraging me to stop working on --
 say -- closing RC bugs, for the benefit of $concurrent_distro.  And to
 top it off, a *DD* is doing this, someone who should know how painfully
 slow the release process already is.


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