On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 12:44:44PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> The attached patch for the developers reference document the support for
> the Vcs-* family of fields.

I attach a new version of the patch for the developer's reference.

The main change from the previous patch is that now two fields are
supported: XS-Vcs-Browser (for a browsable version of the repository)
and XS-Vcs-* (same semantics as before).  I also implemented some of the
other comments received in this bug report and in past threads on

Re-reading from a native English speaker would be really appreciated.

Could you please apply the patch?

Many thanks in advance,

Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
[EMAIL PROTECTED],debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?    /\    All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema    \/    right keys at the right time
diff -ur developers-reference-3.3.8/developers-reference.sgml developers-reference-3.3.8.new/developers-reference.sgml
--- developers-reference-3.3.8/developers-reference.sgml	2006-11-12 12:05:22.000000000 +0100
+++ developers-reference-3.3.8.new/developers-reference.sgml	2007-02-19 10:36:50.000000000 +0100
@@ -1565,6 +1565,72 @@
 to remove it later and you won't be able to edit it either. The only thing
 that you can do is send a second news item that will deprecate the
 information contained in the previous one.
+  <sect2 id="pts-web-fields">Extra information shown in the PTS web interface
+  <p>
+  In addition to the information discussed above, the PTS web interface shows
+  information available in source packages as <em>extra source fields</em>
+  (i.e. fields starting with <tt>XS-</tt> in source package control files). The
+  following fields are currently supported:
+  <taglist>
+    <tag><tt>XS-Vcs-Browser<tt>
+      <item>
+      <p>
+      Value of this field should be a <tt>http://</tt> URL pointing to a
+      web-browsable copy of the Version Control System repository used to
+      maintain the given package, if available.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+      The information is meant to be useful for the final user, willing to
+      browse the latest work done on the package (e.g. when looking for the
+      patch fixinv a bug tagged as <tt>pending</tt> in the bug tracking
+      system).
+      </p>
+      </item>
+    <tag><tt>XS-Vcs-*</tt>
+      <item>
+      <p>
+      Value of this field should be a string identifying univocally the
+      location of the Version Control System repository used to maintain the
+      given package, if available. <tt>*</tt> identify the Version Control
+      System; currently the following systems are supported by the package
+      tracking system: <tt>arch</tt>, <tt>bzr</tt> (Bazaar), <tt>cvs</tt>,
+      <tt>darcs</tt>, <tt>git</tt>, <tt>hg</tt> (Mercurial), <tt>mtn</tt>
+      (Monotone), <tt>svn</tt> (Subversion). It is allowed to specify different
+      VCS fields for the same package: they will all be shown in the PTS web
+      interface.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+      The information is meant to be useful for a user knowledgeable in the
+      given Version Control System and willing to build the current version of
+      a package from the VCS sources. Other uses of this information might
+      include automatic building of the latest VCS version of the given
+      package, to this end the location pointed to by the field should better
+      be version agnostic and point to the main branch (for VCSs supporting
+      such a concept). Also, the location pointed to should be accessible to
+      the final user, fulfilling this requirement might imply pointing to an
+      anonymous access of the repository instead of pointing to an
+      SSH-accessible version of the same.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+      In the following example, an instance of the field for a Subversion
+      repository of the <package>vim</package> package is shown. Note how the
+      URL is in the <tt>svn://</tt> scheme (instead of <tt>svn+ssh://</tt>) and
+      how it points to the <file>trunk/</file> branch. The use of the
+      <tt>XS-Vcs-Browser</tt> field described above is also shown.
+      <example>
+  Source: vim
+  Section: editors
+  Priority: optional
+  &lt;snip&gt;
+  XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim
+  XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim
+      </example>
+      </p>
+    </item>
+  </taglist>
+  </p>
+  </sect2>
     <sect id="ddpo">Developer's packages overview
Only in developers-reference-3.3.8.new/: developers-reference.sgml.orig

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