On March 29, 2005 12:08, Robert Gomułka wrote:
> I haven't been precise enough before. I'll try to explain. Follow my
> steps:
> 1. Open image in gwenview.
> 2. Click right mouse button to reveal pop-up menu.
> 3. Select 'external tools->gimp'
> 4. The behaviour depends on directory name where the image is (I haven't
> noticed it before).
> a) when directory name contains US-ASCII characters, everything is ok -
> gimp displays proper image name, then allows saving it with ctrl-s
> (gimp's border will contain image name)
> b) when directory name contains non US-ASCII characters, gimp opens the
> image, but it's border will contain 'No name' and ctrl-s will show up
> filename selector instead of just saving file
> So it is rather gimp bug - on console you can see:
> (gimp:1804): Gimp-File-WARNING **: file-utils.c:320: cannot convert
> filename to UTF-8: Invalid byte sequence in conversion input
> That's my directory name (iso-8859-2 characters):
> /mnt/dane/carramba/photos/[20050328]Święta

I'm reassigning this bug to gimp, since it has nothing to do with gwenview. 
I can reproduce the problem when starting gimp from the command line, with 
an image as an argument.

Christopher Martin

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